April 11, 2024

Behold, the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.

Isaiah 59:1-2

LORD, as I meditate on this verse, my heart gravitates towards the reality that You can do the impossible. Nothing that I need is beyond Your reach. You see, hear and care for me. Yet, though it reminds me that You don’t have “alligator arms,” it also stresses that the urgency of my life being right with You in order to have true communion. Key is that I neither hold nor harbor any iniquities in my heart, as they separate me from You. I confess this it is not fully the case. I falter and fall short. I indeed miss the mark. Frankly, in my own strength I cannot please You. On the contrary, if left to my own devices I will continually sin against You. As the song writer declared, “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love.” Apart from what Christ did for me, I am a lost cause. Without Him I fail. I lose. The best that I can do is but filthy rags. Forgive me LORD for my shortcomings and how I regularly mess up. Thank You today for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In Him, by Him, and through Him Your righteous requirements are satisfied, I am made complete in Your eyes, and I am empowered by Your Spirit to please You. He has taken upon Himself all of my sins past, present and future, paying the price for them, and purchasing for me eternal life. And not just that, but also access to Your glorious provision, and the assurance of You hearing and answering my prayers. Grant me Your wisdom and peace today. Help me to finish what I have started and not bring shame to Your Name. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I might please You in all I say and do. And remind me that You shall never turn Your face from me. Thank You for seeing me, hearing me, and tending to my needs. I love You LORD! Thank You! Amen!