As soon as the people saw him, they brought thirty companions to be with him.
Judges 14:11
LORD, there are many people who are around me, companions, who keep me company as I navigate through the ups and downs of life. I thank You for them. However, this day, continue to remind me that companions may not necessarily be friends. Give me discernment that I might know those who are around me for a “good time” and those who are true friends, who will be with me during my highest highs and lowest lows, who will love me unconditionally, and hold me up to You. Show me those friends who aren’t motivated by the opportunity to get ahead or get something from me, but instead by a genuine desire to be in my presence, experience my fellowship, and engage in a “grace exchange” with me. Give me friends who stick closer than a brother, who love deeper, and sacrifice more joyfully. And LORD, help me to be that friend this day, that in my love for those You have brought into my life I might look like Jesus. I thank You for them and praise You for Your provision. Amen.