And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God.
1 Samuel 23:16
Lord, I thank You today for those You have brought in my life to encourage me and remind me of Your unfailing care for me. I confess that oftentimes I can become so embroiled in the going ons of life that I miss Your fingerprints around me, the evidence of You at work in my situation and circumstances. Because my focus is on what I am going through I fail to see that You are orchestrating all of the reticent parts around me for my good. It is in times like those that You raise up folks who love my soul to remind me not only that You are at work, but help me to focus on the bigger picture, challenging me to get beyond my feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, and encouraging me to look to You, Who is my help and hope in the time of need. No matter where I am they are able to find me, regardless of where I am hiding or brooding. And they bring with them a word of that points me to Your work in my midst. I cannot tell You how grateful I am for them! They not only restore my strength, they point me to Your ever present care for me! Thank You for seeing me where I am and giving me what I stand in the need of! It is my prayer today that You would use me in the same manner that You have used others in my life. Help me to be the lifter up of someone else’s head. Help me be the one with a word fitly spoken in the times of sorrow. Help me to shine Your light in the lives of someone walking in the midst of darkness. Use me, Lord, to be a beacon of hope and help, pointing them back to You, Who is our Source and Strength. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.