April 4, 2024

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.

John 14:12

Lord Jesus, I come before You confessing that in my life I have often settled for mediocrity. As I have gotten older the childlike faith that You have admonished me to have has been replaced by adult pragmatism. I have applied what I have seen and known to be true based upon what I have observed in the world to what I have stepped out in faith in believing to be possible. In many instances I have taken how I believe I have witnessed You working to be the limits on what is possible. Yes, with my mouth I have declared that, “I can do all things in Christ.” But sadly, my actions often do not reflect the faith I am espousing to have. Lord, today I realize that is a reflection not just of my failings and shortcomings, it is a direct reflection of my faith and trust in You and Your word. Today, I ask Your forgiveness and pray for a childlike faith that is just fool enough to believe that You are going to do something to blow my mind. I pray that You would help me to remove the doubting me and replace it with silly faith me. I would rather be a person who is just fool enough to believe that my Lord will manifest unicorns in my midst than one who believes that God won’t do what appears to be ridiculous to the world. Seriously Lord, I no longer want to be constrained in my faith by the logic of this world. Instead, I want to dare to dream beyond what my wildest imagination can concoct for You have said, “…to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us…” Today, I take You at Your word. Blow my mind to Your glory! Amen!