But to this day the LORD has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear.
Deuteronomy 29:4
Father God, how can this be that I can see but not understand, witness but not get it? How often does this happen to me throughout my day, that You are showing me something, which is plain to see in the eyes of those witnessing the events unfolding in my life, yet I am numb to it, oblivious of Your care and calling? How many times have I looked back in retrospect in amazement at what You were at work doing, oblivious to Your fingerprints all over my situation and circumstances? LORD, I don’t want to be that person! I want to marvel in Your handiwork, proclaiming to all who will listen, “Look at what my God is doing in my life!” Give me a heart to understand, eyes to see and ears to hear what why You are doing what You are doing, what You are doing, and what You are teaching me. Help me not to get so caught up in the how and lose sight of the what and why. Make my heart tender to Your gentle movements in my life so that I can adjust my will and ways to please You and demonstrate to the world my submission to Your plans. LORD, keep Your Son, Christ Jesus before me, showing me all the things in and of this world that I allow to eclipse His glory, that I might move them and witness the miracle He is manifesting in my life. I pray this in His Name. Amen.