April 9, 2024

For it is no empty word for you, but your very life, and by this word you shall live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to possess.”

Deuteronomy 32:47

LORD, Your Word is not empty to me, but it is indeed the source of life for my soul. In it and by it I not only know You, but also have what I stand in the need to make through the day. As I read it my soul is nourished, strengthened to endure the situations and circumstances that come my way, knowing that I have at my fingertips the very keys to life and godliness. I pray for wisdom, knowledge and insight today as I meditate on Your Word. I pray that You would use it to open my eyes regarding the situations I find myself in. Through it, give me insight to my person and tendencies. By it, show me the path I should take and the decisions I should make. With it, reveal Your person to me and Your will for my life. LORD, Your Word was revealed to me, manifested in greatness, in the person of Jesus Christ, Who is the Living Word! Indeed, Your Word heals, guides, directs, and delivers! LORD, Your Word gives me everything that I stand in the need of. Thank You for Your Word! I trust in it and Him!