Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.
Isaiah 65:24
Lord, oftentimes I feel like You don’t hear me. Sometimes I feel like I am crying out and my prayers are bouncing off the ceiling, echoing and reverberating against the atmosphere while You are at a distance oblivious to my pleas. I know why I have this sense sometimes that I am alone. My sin nature masks Your presence. The already but not yet nature of my salvation is in full effect with my person longing to see You and physically hear You acknowledge my petitions, only having to settle for the silence and sense of comfort that comes from believing You do by faith. Because of this reality, the more my faith wavers, the more I feel alone.
My soul rejoices this morning for this reminder. You have placed in the forefront of my mind that before I even call on You that You are answering me! How can this be so I ask myself? Because You are omniscient, knowing all! What’s more, I rejoice in the fact that even now the Holy Spirit is interceding for me, making clear what I cannot and communicating what my mouth often fails to utter. You have all bases covered! You know what I want before I ask it and You know how to ask it before I say it! Thank You for putting in place this “me proof” way of ensuring that nothing that goes on inside my head will ever escape You! There indeed is nothing that I will ever wrestle with that You will not fully understand and have an answer for me, an answer prepared for before I even began to contemplate the matter. And, You will make sure I ask the right thing at the right time!
Lord, thank You for filling me with the Holy Spirit. In Him and by Him I know that I am forever connected to You through Christ’s sacrifice. You have made available to me the source of the confidence that I should have that You hear me. I should always remember that because of this wonderful miracle in my life I am always in Your presence. When I am doubting, grant me the assurance of knowing that this is true. And continue to encourage me to keep calling out to You for I know You are already sending me the answers that I need. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.