August 6, 2024

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

Romans 12:10

Father God, in my walk with You I have been very hesitant to view how I am serving You in light of others. On the contrary, I have been very conscious of my sinful tendency to compare myself with others as a means of determining what “good looks like” in the Kingdom. In my brokenness, there is this tendency for me to say, “At least I’m not like so-and-so.” Yet, my soul this morning lit up as I read Your Word commanding me to, “Outdo one another in showing honor.” Here, You are calling me to see the standards that others have set in honoring others and to build on them. Through others You are showing me a bar, though human, and have challenged me to exceed it. I confess that I don’t often do that. When it comes to honoring others I am quick to say things such as, “I don’t want it to go to their head,” or, “I think I’ve done enough.” Yet, You are reminding me today to continue to give honor where honor is due; be a blessing to those who have been a blessing to me and to others. I pray, Father, for a spirit that is alert and cognizant of the impact that others are making in the world around me, and stir up within me a anxiousness, looking for opportunities to bless them for what they are doing. I commit today to not only tell them, but also bless them in a tangible way for what they are doing. Show me all the ways I can honor those who are advancing Your Kingdom in my life and the lives of those around me. I am so blessed and so grateful for their contribution in my life. Use me to show them, on Your behalf and on the behalf of those whose lives they have touched, how much I thank You for them in a way that shows that they are truly appreciated. To Your glory in Jesus’ Name.