August 7, 2024

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions.

Romans 14:1

Lord I so like to be right. Whether it’s while taking a test or in light hearted banter, I like to be on the side that can be supported by facts. Yet I can attest this morning that I am never always right. Many are those situations when I think I’m right and I am actually wrong. Worse, however, is when I think I am right and negatively impact those with whom I may be in “discussions” with, inflicting negativity on them. How many times have I “bruised a delicate reed” with my dullness of spirit all because I have to be right? Lord forgive me. 

My soul rejoices this morning in knowing that though I have been wrong many times, You are never wrong. Though I often don’t get it right, I know where I can go to find the truth! This so relieves me of this feeling that I have to always be right to prove myself and my worth to others. Instead, I can point them to You, and we can both seek truth at Your throne. Therefore, there is no need to quarrel. Instead, I can reason with my brothers and sisters, helping them to grow in their love for You as they help me to do likewise.

Lord, help me to internalize this reality, allowing it to govern how I engage with others. Cause it to fuel my desire to fellowship with them, not for the purpose of debating with them over opinions, but instead that we might together be the people You have called us to be. Those with whom I disagree, continue to push me t welcome them into relationship with me that together, we might grow in our love and knowledge of You. Amen.