August 8, 2023

And when she pressed him hard with her words day after day, and urged him, his soul was vexed to death. 

Judges 16:16

Father God, give me wisdom today to know when to back off and give people room. In my zeal to get answers and results it is easy for me to press hard and be tenacious in getting what I am looking for. Occasionally I reflect upon the impact I might be having on the people I am seeking responses from. But far too often what I want in the moment takes precedence over how I might think that they are experiencing me resulting in me vexing them. I confess that sometimes I am oblivious of it, unaware that I am having that effect on them. However, far too often I know exactly what I am doing, displaying behaviors that both align with the norms of my society and are applauded by those around me. These actions are often viewed as being assertive or taking charge, and those aspiring to get ahead are goaded on by others to display them. LORD, today help me to be not only mindful of how I am received, but also sensitive to my actions’ impact on others. Enable me to strike a balance between being persistent and patient. Help me to resist the pull of this world to be like it and enable me to be more like Jesus. It is my desire to win one others by love rather than force. Use me today to be as wise as serpents but gentle as doves. I pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.