December 11, 2024

Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

Psalm 85:10

Lord Jesus, as I work to get into the Christmas spirit and fire myself up for all of the gift exchanges, egg nog slurping, and cinematic overload of “A Wonderful Life”, “Elf” or “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” it is easy to get swept away in the moment, consumed by the gayety of the season. In all of the noise we soon forget the central fact that You were born to die. In that manger lay a bundle of joy that I am sure Mary and Joseph fondled lovingly. Though they knew the divine origin of Your incarnation, like any parent, I am sure they had hopes and dreams related to Your future. Little did they know that Your life would be cut short because You love us so intensely and You are flawlessly faithful. Because You know the uneasiness and turmoil that is within all of our hearts on account of sin and the devastating effect of our separation from You, You in Your righteousness came to pay the price, bringing unity where there was division, and peace where there was enmity. In You steadfast love and faithfulness meet. In You righteousness and peace kiss each other. And all because You came to die.

Lord, I do not have the words to express my gratitude to You. Indeed, You did’t have to do it, but You did! Today, I just want to worship You. I want to let everyone know how much I love You and am grateful for what You have done for me and all who trust in You. I lay my heart and soul before Your throne today, lifting up Your Name and declaring how great You are! Accept my praise and worship. Be glorified throughout all the earth, my Savior and my King. Hallelujah! Glory to God! I bless Your wonderful Name! Amen.