December 12, 2024

The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the LORD of hosts.’”

Haggai 2:9

Lord Jesus, I am reminded this morning that You are the Prince of Peace. Typically when we think upon Who You are, those words from Isaiah 9 at some point ring in our heads – Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. They roll off my tongue with ease because I have heard and said them so often. Yet, my soul wonders how much I truly understand what that peace is that You have promised to give me? Yes, I know what peace from war and strife with my neighbor looks like. Yes, I even understand what peace of mind looks like when I am not worrying about problems like money, job security, neighborhood safety and the like. These things, though they put my mind at ease, are but a foretaste of what Your peace will be like. What presses on me this day is the reality that the peace that You ushered in when You graced us as a baby, that peace that You will bring to full manifestation upon Your return, will be like nothing the peace I know or can fully comprehend. As Paul puts it, I see through a glass darkly!

Lord, in all of the excitement of this particular Christmas season, I confess that my heart is drawn more than in the past towards lifting You up, glorifying You, and seeing You exalted. Shucks, I want to see Your face! My soul clings to the promise that the latter will be greater than the former. I believe this, not just regarding the temple or Jerusalem, but regarding every aspect of my knowing and knowledge of You. This includes the peace that I have experienced in this life. You shall give me a peace which is incomprehensible. And Lord, my soul longs for it today. As John declared, and I echo his sentiments, “Even so, come Lord Jesus!” My soul looks to hills in excited anticipation, for You are the Lifter up of my head, the Great High Priest, my Prince of Peace. I love You, LORD! To You be the glory for ever and ever! Amen!