And Joshua made peace with them and made a covenant with them, to let them live, and the leaders of the congregation swore to them.
Joshua 9:15
Lord Jesus, this is the giving season, where store shops, adorned with lights, ornaments and decorations, beckon us to come in and purchase the goods and wares that have discounted to facilitate binge shopping and inventory depletion. Each of us have lists of individuals we want to get presents for to show them that they are special in our lives. As I reflect upon this season, I am reminded of how I purchased gifts for those I desired to be in relationship with in order to impress them or win their affection. This is a slippery slope for sure. I confess that I have the tendency for a works mindset regarding winning over people, You included. And when things are not the way I would like them to be, bringing more gifts always feels like the right thing to do.
As I read this verse this morning, and reflected upon the context of the Gibeonites trying to earn the favor of Israel by bringing gifts, it immediately came to my mind that Your Name in Hebrew is Joshua. You are my Joshua, my Deliver, the One Who brings peace to my soul! I am like the Gibeonites, often believing that I can do something or give You something that will persuade You to give me favor. Yet, I did not have to bring anything to secure my peace. You brought it with Your sacrifice! I did not have to shed blood to enter into covenant with You. Calvary made that happen for me! Whereas Gibeon had to earn Joshua son of Nun’s favor, I have been freely given Joshua Son of God’s favor!
Lord, words cannot express the joy that I have in this moment, knowing that You have made peace with me, not through any gift or offering that I have brought, but by the offering You have presented on my behalf at the cross! Today I have a peace which passes all understanding, knowing that I am not only forgiven, but I have an intimate relationship with my God. Thank You for loving me for me! Amen!