For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Father God, when we speak of Your love, this passage of Scripture always comes to mind. Of all the texts in the Bible it is probably the most quoted, at least from my perspective. It seems everyone knows it by heart. Athletes put it on their faces and shoes and uniforms. Fans make big signs to call the casual viewer’s attention to it. Whenever there is a big crowd, someone has the idea to make sure that it is seen. Its words roll off the tongue like any common phrase. No one questions its validity. Frankly, I dare say that they don’t pay much attention to it because it has been made so common. Yet, the truth it expounds is the very heart of all that I hold dear.
It is not a fallacy or gimmick contrived in order to get more viewers or to endear individuals to each other. It is the central, core tenet of my faith. It is what everything that I hold near and dear to me hinges on: that You loved me, us, so much that You could not stand to watch us continue to flounder in this life apart from You, on a path of eternal separation. After showing us that all of our efforts were inadequate, You provided the only solution that could heal the rift between us: You sent Your Son to die on our behalf, to pay the price for our sins. Because You love us so much You were willing to sacrifice One Whom You loved just as much so that we could be reconciled to You!
Today, as I meditate on what it means that You love me, my heart is immediately drawn to this ultimate show of love towards me and I thank You for it. It is unmatched and unparalleled in this world! I worship You today, giving thanks to You for not only sending Christ, but also for Christ’s willingness to be sent. Who would do such a thing? I dare say no one but You (Romans 5:7-8)! It is against that truth made real in my life that I ask that You would enable me to replicate Your love in the life of someone else (1 John 3:16). Grant me the courage to put it all on the line for someone in need of Your power and presence in their life. Use me, Father, to touch them even as You have used others to touch me.
Thank You for Jesus, Whose love that passes all understanding! Amen!