December 20, 2023

For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.

Philemon 7

Lord I thank You for all those whom You have brought into my life who have poured their lives not only into me, but into the lives of those around them. I can say with certainty that I am a better person because of what they have done for me, and I get great excitement when I see how their selfless service changes the lives of others! My heart rejoices this day knowing that You have not only loved me through them, but have strengthened others by their efforts. It is my prayer today that You would continue Your work in them. I pray that those who come into contact with them might get a foretaste of the joy that I get from their presence in my life. Give them the encouragement that they need to continue on, knowing that You are at work in them and through them changing the world one soul at a time. Allow them to taste the fruit of their labors on this side eternity so that they will know for certain that their labors are not in vain. And finally, grant them Your peace and cause Your joy to well up within their soul so that they will not grow weary in well-doing. Lord, give me the words and resources necessary to be a blessing to them, sowing into their lives even as they have sowed into mine. I am grateful that they are part of my life. Thank for sending me Your ambassadors. Bless them in Jesus’ Name!