December 23, 2024

And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 13:52

Lord Jesus, this Christmas season has been filled with the typical happenings of this time of year – gatherings of friends and family and gift preparation for same, eggnog and hot chocolate doused Christmas cookies, and nativity plays at church. And, this season has had its doses of reality thrown in our faces – deaths of loved ones, medical diagnonses with the “c” word, financial hardships, just to name a few. Frankly, it is pretty difficult handling the rollercoaster of emotions that seem to always creep into this season.

Yet, today I am reminded of one central truth I heard in church yesterday from Your Word. And that is that joy is not an emotion. It is a Person. It is You. Jesus, You are my Joy. You are not just its Source. You are it. As You fill me with Your Holy Spirit I am able to walk through all the pain and sadness of the moment and find in You that which makes my soul sing in spite of it. Lord, You are my Joy. 

Help me today to walk in it, walk with You, and hold tight to Your hand. Though I might be pummeled by the world, I purpose to just hold on to You, the Lover of my soul. Thank You for the wellspring that flows up from my heart. You put it there. And I have peace. Amen.