Jesus wept. So the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”
John 11:35-36
Lord Jesus, oh how You love me! My soul rejoices this morning knowing that I am deeply loved by You. Words cannot express the joy that I have as a result of Your unwavering commitment to me. All that comes my way You mean it for my good – whether hardships, difficulties, or loss – it is meant for my good that I might look back and glorify You for the work that You are doing in my life. I confess that I do things that cause Your soul to weep. I can walk astray, make foolish decisions, engage in thoughtless actions. In my sinful flesh I can even think that I’m doing the right thing only to find out it was wrong! I ask Your forgiveness. I ask for You to continue to work with me and in me that I might be better today than I was yesterday. Lord, my soul finds comfort in knowing that as I navigate through the challenges of being sinful that You are with me, connected to me both spiritually and emotionally, a Savior Who is acquainted with my brokenness, tempted even as I am, yet without sin. I am grateful that Your infinite compassion for me results in Your heartfelt desire to see me rise above my frail state to a place of divine strength in You. I celebrate this morning because in You I see what true love looks like! I pray today that You would keep me mindful of Your continued presence in my life. Show me the doors I should open and those I should keep closed. Help me to shine my light in those dark places that you might be in me and through me. Have Your Lord in my life today and I will give You alone the praise. It is in Your Name that I pray. Amen.