December 3, 2024

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23

Lord, in this Advent Season, on this particular day, my heart looks for what it can indeed grasp hold to. I confess that oftentimes it is hard to stay encouraged, my soul being bombarded by the issues of the day on one hand and my personal brokenness on the other. Striving to be better and do better, the trips and stumbles of the day challenge me, constantly reminding me of my imperfect state. The “already but not yet” aspect of my salvation can be wearying. 

Yet, this day my soul finds joy in the blessed hope that is mine as revealed in Your Word. Though I am saved, You grant me daily reminders that I am being saved everyday, Your kingdom being manifested in me and through me, all pointing to the reality that one day I shall be completely and totally perfected, that Your will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! This gloriously fine line that only You can walk leaves me dumbfounded and amazed, pondering how You can, in Your divine omnipotence, control all things while maintaining Your holiness and righteousness! Especially in light of the fact that You do not always have willing participants in the unfolding of Your will, me included! Yet, You make is so!

So, as I wrestle through my struggles today – and I shall have struggles – I hold fast to the hope that is mine in Your Son, Christ Jesus. For I know that You are faithful, having time and time again provided for me not only what I have stood in the need of (Matthew 6:33), but also providing ways of escape when temptations came knocking on my door (1 Corinthians 10:13). I bring to You all the burdens that are on my plate right now, and those that will be coming my way, holding fast to the hope that is mine through the Holy Spirit, and finding Your peace in the midst of all of it (Philippians 4:6-7). Thank You, for great indeed is Thy faithfulness! Therefore, I hold on to You, without wavering, knowing that You will surely bring it to pass. Be exalted in Jesus’ Name!