The LORD is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.
Psalm 145:9
Lord Jesus, as I approach the threshold of a new year, the tendency for all of us is to begin to reflect back upon the year that was. We highlight that which went well, the successes that we have had, and contrast them with that which did not go as planned, the failures or setbacks that we have experienced. There have been relationships that have blossomed and others that have collapsed. There have been achievements that have been reached, and setbacks that have left us wanting. The human tendency is to put all of these ups and downs onto a proverbial scale similar to that which Lady Justice holds, weighing in the balance the good that has transpired versus the not so good. And, if I am honest, on “face value” it appears that the not so good outweighs the good because life is hard and the world is broken.
Yet, I am so glad today that “face value” is not true value! You have put Your finger on the scales, forever tilting them in favor of my good. Through Your birth, life, sacrifice, and resurrection, You have tilted the scales of blessing forever in my favor! And not just mine, but for all! You have made available to us a mercy that is beyond our understanding. You saw us in our helpless state and didn’t just send help. You came to our rescue! In person! And though we rejected You, You never turned Your back on us. You didn’t just have pity on us. You had compassion on us and loved us with an everlasting love!
So, as I go through my laundry list of ups and downs – I do want to have a better year next year than I had this year – help me to more clearly define what “better” means. It doesn’t mean more successes than failures. It means a deeper love for You and others, a more heartfelt commitment to demonstrating that love in a tangible way, and a more faithful obedience to Your heart tugs. Then people will know that I am Yours to Your glory. Amen!