December 5, 2023

For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease. Though its root grow old in the earth, and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put out branches like a young plant.

Job 14:7-9

Lord Jesus, as I navigate through the challenges of the day, I recognize that some will result in loss. As I think about my life in general, I can say that it bears witness to this reality. You said in this world I would have trials and tribulations. Yet, You admonished me to be of good cheer, knowing not only that have You overcome this world, but that You would be with me. You promised that You will give me peace. Today my soul rejoices in knowing that on the surface, though it may seem like I am being cut down, there lies beneath the surface my true being, planted and anchored in You, awaiting Your healing waters that will, in due season, spring forth in me, budding out with life, and yielding fruit to Your glory. My soul places its hope in this, knowing that You are faithful, never allowing one jot or tittle of Your promises to go unrealized. Give me patient endurance today, drawing upon that wellspring of life that comes from You. Continue to remind me of Your unfailing love for me. And grant me the quiet serenity that comes from knowing who I am and Whose I am, never doubting that You can and You will. I stand firm on Your Word today, through which I have been given a glimmer of all that is in store for me and all who place their trust in You. Reign today in my life, King Jesus, to Your glory! Amen!