December 6, 2023

I will wait for the LORD, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob, and I will hope in him.

Isaiah 8:17

LORD, there are times, especially during this season, where I feel alone. My soul reaches out to You, and yet You are silent, seemingly hiding Your face from me. If I allow those feelings to dominate my thinking I find myself overwhelmed and frustrated, wondering why You have left me alone. Yet, this morning my soul, in reading Your Word, has found what it stands in the need of, reminded that my hope is established on a sure foundation. In Christ I have the confidence of knowing that You will never leave me nor abandon me. In Him I have that blessed assurance of knowing that He is with me always. This morning, it my prayer that You would continue to reinforce that hope within my soul, reminding me that indeed You never hide Your face from me. Because of the sacrifice that Jesus made on my behalf I have the confidence in knowing that I am Yours and You are mine. Quell today those emotional notions that can rush into my head. Please raise up around me folks who will remind me through their words and actions that You are in our midst. But more than anything, grant me the peaceful serenity that comes from placing all of my hopes in You. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.