February 12, 2024

Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD in the presence of Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision.

1 Samuel 3:1

Lord, give me tenacity this morning to stay the course, especially when I believe I am in a dry season. It is easy in dry seasons for doubt and uncertainty to creep into my mind, for me to believe that I have been left alone, that You are far away, and that all of this is for nought. When sermons don’t move me or songs don’t bring me to tears, I can find myself beating my chest, with my heart and mind looking to heaven, asking, pleading, “LORD, where are You?” Yet, my soul finds comfort this day in Your promise that You will never leave me nor forsake me. You have beckoned me to draw nigh unto You. You have ushered me to call on You, promising that You would answer. You have demonstrated time and time again that You will peace be still my soul. Well, this day, it is my prayer, not that You would answer me declaring Your presence, though I know You will. Instead, I pray that You would energize me to stay the course in these seasons, pouring my life into the lives of those You send my way, knowing that in doing so I am ministering to You in the presence of those who You have compelled me to touch. Help me to remain conscious that I am always in Your presence being used by You in the lives of those around me. Remind me that Your Word is always nigh to my ears, and that through Christ, though the season may appear to be dry, there is indeed flowing from within me fountains of living waters, whose Source is the King of kings! LORD, energize me this day to be used by You to reach those who are afar off to glory. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.