February 28, 2024

For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

1 Corinthians 13:9-10

Father, I come before You acknowledging that I only see part of the story. In every thing I lay my eyes on, I only see half of it. When someone mistreats me, I only see their actions, not their brokenness or behaviors on my part that may have fueled it. When someone blesses me, I only see the blessing, not the potential insecurities they have or their need to please others that may have fueled it. Even as it pertains to the things of You, I only see part of it, my predispositions and biases, combined with my sinfulness hiding from me aspects too holy for me to see. Lost to me is a whole side of the world, leaving me to grope through darkly, trusting and believing by faith that I can get it right, often finding that I have missed the mark. It is against this backdrop that I come to You today, first asking for Your divine guidance and patience. Remind me as I engage with others that I only see part of the story. Give me a heart of love and patience, recognizing that I do not fully know their motivations, insecurities, fears or desires. I cannot truly grasp what drives others. All I can do is love unconditionally and receive humbly. Regarding the things of You, give me a heart to continue to strive to know You better, discern from Your Word Your ways, and be mindful of when You are speaking to me throughout the day. Even then I realize it will not be perfect, but I am confident that it will bring You glory as I place You first and others right there behind You. I give myself away in service today. Amen.