And the waters prevailed on the earth 150 days. But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind blow over the earth, and the waters subsided.
Genesis 7:24-8:1
Father God, it is a new year. Reflecting back upon the past days, I can say with certainty that there have been many highs and many lows. Reflecting upon the challenges, my mind can quickly go to a place of feeling overwhelmed and defeated, the challenges seemly prevailing over me these many days. Yet, this morning my soul rejoices when I think of two words – BUT GOD – for in them I know that no matter what the odds are against me, the story is not over, that You have my back, and that greater indeed is He Who is within me! You have been the central character of my story and have given me a testimony! When I could not muster up the wherewithal to continue on and felt like giving up – BUT GOD – You reminded me that You are my strength and would hold me up on every leaning side. When the odds seemed to be stacked up against me and I did not believe I could not get through – BUT GOD – You made a way out of no way, providing me with the path to Your blessings. When I felt I needed to take my fleshly shortcuts to get where I believed I needed to go – BUT GOD – You convicted me in my innermost being, reminding me that Your ways are not my ways and that there is joy on the road less traveled. LORD, You are the contrasting conjunction that marries my dire circumstances to Your precious promises, reminding me that You are Lord over all things in my life! Those two words – BUT GOD – have ensured that I could hold on just a little while longer. Today, I praise and thank You for a new day, a new year, and a new opportunity to follow after You and allow Your glory to shine in me and through me, knowing that no matter how bad it gets “BUT GOD” is always part of my story. I thank You for going through this past Year with me, walking with me and providing me what I have stood in the need of. As I look to this new year, continue to remind me that I am never alone, never without strength and never without a way of escape, that You are forever altering my story to Your glory and my good. Thank You for bringing me into this new year filled with new year filled with new opportunities to see You exalted! My soul rejoices in the fact that I am indeed Yours in Christ Jesus! Amen!