After two whole years…the chief cupbearer said to Pharaoh, “I remember my offenses today…”
Genesis 41:1a, 9a
Lord, Your time is not my time. I confess that I often get impatient waiting on the manifestation of Your promises in my life. And in that time I go through some stuff that makes me wonder whether You are with me at all, feeling the struggle associated with waiting. Like Joseph in prison I feel betrayed and forgotten, left to fend for myself, helping others but receiving no help for myself. You said You see me and will deliver me, but the wait is pretty tough.
Today as I reflect upon how long it took the cupbearer to remember the commitment he made to Joseph, and for You to bring the famine that resulted in Joseph’s brothers bowing before him, I am reminded that You are faithful. Though it may take some time for it to happen, I must just hold fast to Your promises. It is a fact that You are not slack concerning Your promises; if You said it, it will happen (Numbers 23:19). I must remember that one day is like a thousand years to You (2 Peter 3:8-9). Your timing is not my timing. I admit, it is hard. In the midst of the waiting my faith wavers. Lord, I believe. Help me in my unbelief!
I thank You for this reminder. Help me to walk today in patience, my life reflecting the actions of one who is trusting in You. Let this not be just an outward display but an inward reality, a reserved calm and Holy Spirit inspired assurance that You will indeed bring Your promises to past. If I waiver, please raise up around me individuals who grant me glimmers of Your blessings around the corner. But more than anything, continue to remind me that You are right here with me as I go through, that therein is the true blessing. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.