January 15, 2025

Then he sent his brothers away, and as they departed, he said to them, “Do not quarrel on the way.”

Genesis 45:24

Father God, it is an amazing thing when You expose the brokenness of my heart and my sinful actions. Often I kick into the “blame game”. I find myself blaming myself for foolish thoughts, words and deeds, wondering how I could be so callous or so stupid. When my heart is exposed and I see how far I have drifted my first inclination is to find an excuse or something or someone else to take ownership as to why or how I could let it happen. Rather than just dealing with it, my first reaction is to provide some rational justification for it.

As I look at Joseph’s admonishment to his brothers to not quarrel on the way, I hear You saying for me to stop wrestling with myself regarding how and why I did what did or thought what I thought. Instead, I hear You saying to me, “Confess and seek forgiveness.” It is against that backdrop that I rush to the Cross!

My soul rejoices that You are a God Who is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness (Psalm 86:15). In Your love for me You sent my Savior to pay the price I could not pay. In Him I have peace with You (Romans 5:1). Help me today to walk in that peace, knowing that Jesus has paid it all. Instead of beating myself up, help me to run to the Mercy Seat, where I can find what my soul longs for in You. Thank You for Your amazing grace!