Elkanah went home to Ramah, but the boy served the LORD in the presence of the priest Eli.
1 Samuel 2:11
Father God, continue to move me to serve regardless of whose company I’m in. As people important to me leave my life, raise up around me individuals who can minister to me, and in turn, enable me to serve You. I confess that it is easy to serve for show, wanting to be seen by others, receiving their accolades, especially those closest to me. Yet, it is not about who sees me or who acknowledges what I have done. It is about pouring out my life in a show of my love for You. It is about me giving back to You a portion of what You have given to me. It is about advancing Your Kingdom. Continue to teach me what true, selfless service looks like through the lives of others – priests that You have raised up to minister to me in the moment. Help me not to be so overwhelmed by the loss of some that I miss seeing Your hand at work in my midst, molding and shaping me into the person you have called me to be. Use me to be that person for someone else. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.