And all Judah rejoiced over the oath, for they had sworn with all their heart and had sought him with their whole desire, and he was found by them, and the LORD gave them rest all around.
2 Chronicles 15:15
LORD, today I purpose to seek You with all of my heart, with all of my soul l, and with all of my mind. In all situations and circumstances I pray that You would reveal Yourself to me, allowing me to see Your glorious fingerprints as evidence of Your work in my midst, encouraging me despite whatever comes my way. You are my heart’s desire, my most pronounced and prominent passion; You are my soul’s satisfaction. I surrender myself afresh to You today. Blot out the transgressions of my yesterdays and create in me a clean heart. Grant me the peace that comes from knowing that I am found in You, called by Your Name, set apart for Your purposes, and anointed by Your Spirit. Use me to be a blessing to those around me, pointing them to You, my divine Father and God, the One Who gives me rest from this wearying world. Thank You, for Your unconditional love that is mine through Christ Jesus. My soul praises and glorifies You this day. Amen.