July 14 2023

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Matthew 11:12-13

Father God, Your Word reminds me that the enemy not only wants to ruin my life, but he wants to tear down Your kingdom. By preying on the brokenness of our character, he attacks our thoughts, influences our behaviors and shapes our circumstances. In his invisible war against You, he has taken man not only captives, but has also inflicted a lot of harm on this world and even me. I confess that many times I go throughout life oblivious to the spiritual battle that is being waged in my midst. As a result, I have not only been a party too, but also have been a victim of, spiritual attack. Yet, through You I can take hold of that which You have declared should belong to the kingdom. By Your Spirit I not only can endure the warfare that is before me, but can overcome all that the enemy brings my way. Help me today to walk victorious, holding fast to the Holy Spirit, knowing that indeed no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and that gates of Hell cannot prevail against You. Use me to tear down walls and set captives free. As I hide Your Word in my heart, give me the words to speak in the midst of the struggle, for Your Word is my weapon. And finally, show me those who think Your thoughts after You and speak Your Words in power that I might glean from them, hearing all that You would have to say to me, and bringing it to life within my heart and soul. LORD, Your Word reinforces and undergirds my faith and trust in You. Through it I am reminded that I serve a Mighty God and that as I go through I will come out on the other side victorious. Demonstrate Your power in my life in Jesus’ Name! Amen!