Then the word of the LORD came to him, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to feed you.”
1 Kings 17:8-9
LORD, give me a receptive spirit today to not only hear, but to trust that You are at work bringing to pass Your precious will. Help me to trust that You are doing what You have declared You are doing in my life and the lives of those around me, even though the visible “evidence” may not be readily apparent. As I look at this verse, You said that You commanded the widow to feed Elijah. Yet, when he showed up, the woman had no idea that she had been appointed to be the source of that blessing. How many times have people come to me in need or requiring something from me, and my heart burned with desire to serve them, compelled in my spirit to show up in a way I had not intended? This reminds me that I often do not know what You have decreed that I must do in the moment, but will need women and men of God to come and reveal it to me. LORD, in the end I just want to be used by You to bless someone and advance the glorious Name of my Savior, Jesus. Send whomever You will my way today. Give me an open heart to hear You in the moment to be used by You. And, if and when You send me, give me the Holy Spirit inspired boldness to speak Your truth in the moment, inspiring my hearer, that they might hear You and see Your fingerprints all over our encounter. Thank You for how miraculously You work behind the scenes bringing glory to Yourself. I appreciate being a part of Your master plan. Have Your way in Jesus’ Name.