July 21, 2023

His father went down to the woman, and Samson prepared a feast there, for so the young men used to do. As soon as the people saw him, they brought thirty companions to be with him.

Judges 14:10-11

LORD, help me to resist the desire to be liked and accepted by others, and the willingness to be like them in order to be part of them. This desire can drive me to do things that are both out of character and not aligned with Your Word. Even as Samson was required by his vow to a specific level of holiness, so too I am required to do so. Yet, the world and its ways easily taints my outer being and lures me into behaviors and associations that are not good for me. Help me to remain vigilant today. Show me the logical end to my actions and help me to guard my heart. Give me a mind that finds peace and contentment primarily in my relationship with You, viewing others as a mission field and not a determination of my value and worth. I pray this in Jesus’ Name.