And Jehoash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all his days, because Jehoiada the priest instructed him.
2 Kings 12:2
Lord, place in my life today individuals who have a heart for You and will show me what is pleasing to You. Though I read Your Word, pray, and try at all times to do right, I know that left to my own devices my personal biases and brokenness will influence my perspective regarding the things of You. I know that I have blind spots that can adversely affect how I view the world, what You are doing, and how I see Your will. I need an objective perspective to help me to sort through what is of You verses what’s driven by me. Give me discerning eyes and attentive ears so that I can see and know who You are sending to help me navigate through the challenges that will come my way this day, and I’ll be sure to yield “me” that You might increase in me and through me to Your glory in Jesus’ Name. Amen.