If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land…
Isaiah 1:19
LORD, my soul rejoices this morning as I look upon the abundance of blessings You have bestowed upon Your servant through the willful obedience of my Savior. I confess that I do not have it in me to follow wholly and faithfully in Your Word. Unfortunately, while in this flesh I still sin. However, my soul rejoices in the fact that I do not sin as much today as I did yesterday! Hallelujah! This is because of the work You have done and are doing in me through Your Holy Spirit and not because of any works on my part. To Your Name be all the glory! Because You did and are doing something within me, I now stand before You desirous to please You in all of my ways. Nothing short of the miracle that You wrought in my heart has made this happen! Let my thoughts, words and deeds bring You glory this day. Afford Your servant the opportunity to tell someone,l – anyone – about Your unfathomable love, goodness, and the new life that You have given me through Christ’s shed blood. It is my prayer that You would use me to spread this contagious joy I have that comes from knowing that the Supreme Creator of the universe loves me with an everlasting love, and has demonstrated it by sending His only Son to pay the price for my sins. And not mine only, but for all who will. All upon His Name! On this truth I stake my whole life, both now and into eternity. Oh, that others might cling to it also! Use me to let them know of this wonderfully free and marvelous gift to Your glory in Jesus’ Name!