If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all.
Isaiah 7:9b
Indeed, these are my marching orders, Lord. Being firm in my faith for I have nothing else to stand on. Were it not for Your love and Your sure promises all hope in my life would be for nought. It is You that have been my helper and healer. You have been my strength and strong tower. You have blessed my going out and my coming in. You have made a way when, as the old folks say, there was no way. Lord, without You I am nothing and can do nothing. But with You, I can do all things! This day I reaffirm my complete and total trust in You. Despite what I see, I believe You. Despite the results I must endure, I believe You. Despite what appear to be insurmountable odds, I believe You. You are my mainstay, Your Word my firm foundation. Lord I place all of my trust in You. Continue to remind Your servant of Your precious promises. Give me a spiritual shaking when I am straying from walking by faith. As I look to Christ’s bloodstained banner, be my encouragement and comfort, reminding me that they who wait on You shall indeed renew their strength. I trust in You.