My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.
James 2:1
Father, today I pray that You would help me to show no partiality to those with whom I will be dealing with. You have blessed me, allowing me to come into the company of many a great persons in the eyes of this world. I have seen with my own eyes those who have status and stature amongst man. It is easy for me to pull out the red carpet for those dignitaries with whom I come into to contact with, and treat “special” those who have resources and influence. In a world where the question being asked is “what’s in it for me,” we quickly give status and preferential treatment to those whom we believe can help our cause the most. Yet, when my Savior came into this world, He did not come clothed in royalty. Nor did He reside in palaces. Instead, He was born in a manger and associated Himself with the lowly, living amongst the commoners. As Isaiah puts it, “he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him…he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” In His divine example I am beckoned to learn that it is not what is on the outside that makes a difference. It is the inner man. I am reminded that the saying is true: all that glitters is not gold. I realize that I can, and often do, miss out on my blessing when I judge people by their outer appearances. Lord, help me to see past what’s on the outside and hone in on the essence of who a person is. Help me not to miss the glorious opportunities that You have for me to engage with others who can pour their lives into me because I am caught up on status. Help me to embrace the true value of those with whom I shall come into contact with, enabling me to engage in a grace exchange with them, filled and being filled. Thank You for sending others my way to leave their fingerprints on my life to Your glory. Enable me to take full advantage of the opportunities You grant me to love and be loved by others in Jesus’ Name.