June 13, 2024

My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge.

Psalm 71:15

Lord, how many times have You delivered me? How many times have You brought me out? How many times have You provided for me? How many times have You made a way? My soul this morning rejoices for I cannot begin to count the many ways in which You have provided for Your servant. And, I am not just a “servant.” I am Your child! Like a groping baby in need of a parent’s provision, I have groped my entire life, and You have always been there to take care of my needs! Even when I did not know You, You knew me, and in Your sovereign grace laid out a path that would eventually lead me to You. Your love is beyond my understanding! Thank You for Your great and marvelous salvation! I pray today that would accept my worship and praise of You, meager and humble that it is, as a pleasing aroma before Your throne. Indeed, I am not worthy of this glorious treatment by You. Yet, You chose me. Why? I cannot say. All I can utter this day is, “Thank You!” Amen.