June 28, 2024

But the LORD said to David my father, ‘Whereas it was in your heart to build a house for my name, you did well that it was in your heart. Nevertheless, you shall not build the house, but your son who shall be born to you shall build the house for my name.’

1 Kings 8:18-19

Lord, sometimes there are things that I want to do in the service of Your Kingdom that You say, “Not right now.” Or sometimes You flat out say “No.” You know it is my desire to please You. I confess that Your “no” or “not now” often feel as if You are saying I’m not good enough or that You don’t want to use me. However, today I realize that sometimes it is because You want to use someone else in that space. And in so doing, You are calling me to encourage, empower and enable them to do so, even as David did for Solomon. Help me to embrace my second or third chair in Your glorious orchestra of faith. Help me to be content playing the harmony while someone else gets the first chair solo. Continue to remind me that my goal is the same as theirs – to make beautiful music in the orchestra of God. As the Master Conductor, You assign the parts and determine who plays what and who sits where. And, to Your glory, no part is insignificant, as all, combined together, creates a wonderful tapestry of notes that point to Your awesome glory. Today, help me to embrace the role You have me to play with joy, and encourage those whom You have put up front and marvel at the work You are doing through them, while humbly and joyfully embracing what You are doing through me. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.