June 4, 2024

For my iniquities have gone over my head; like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me.

Psalm 38:4

LORD, I confess that as I reflect upon my life, there have been times when I have felt as if I was drowning in my sins, unable to float to the surface for life giving air, burdened down by my brokenness. It has been in those instances where I have recognized how desperately wicked my heart is, how I have time and time again defaulted to my own ways instead of Yours. I am not talking about the major sins that I have committed. Those, because of the guilt and shame associated with them I quickly bring to You, realizing and recognizing the outright rebellion of my heart. Those are easy to own. No, what my heart ponders this morning are those little sins – like stretching the truth, not being totally honest, not completely fulfilling a commitment, taking a “shortcut” because I think no one is watching, not being pure in my thoughts or deeds – the little things that easily go unnoticed. They are the ones that I often feel are no big deal. I have even found myself comparing myself to others, believing that my sinfulness at least does not match theirs. “At least I’m not like them,” creeps into my thoughts. Yet, I realize that though they might not be of the magnitude of others, they still separate me from You. And unfortunately, it is only when I am overwhelmed by them that I realize how I have let them take control of my life. Forgive me, LORD, for these small rips of in the fabric of my character. Because of their accumulated effect, I stand before You naked and ashamed, fully exposed. I am sorry. Cleanse me, LORD, from these soul stoppers. Purify me that I might be able to stand before You clothed in the guiltlessness that is mine only in Christ Jesus. I lay these sinful burdens before You this day. Wipe them from my life and usher me back into Your glorious presence. And help me to keep my way straight before You, that I might experience the joy that comes from knowing that I am walking in Your will. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.