So his brothers said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea, that your disciples also may see the works you are doing. For no one works in secret if he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.” For not even his brothers believed in him.
John 7:3-5
Lord Jesus, what do I do when those closest to me don’t believe in me? How do I hold up under the pressures of life that I put on myself and others place on me when I feel like I have to go at it alone? How can I navigate the space, compelled to go at it one way while those whom I have spent my life pouring into, even as an “eldest sibling,” are urging me to go a different way? Lord, so often I am surrounded by those who say they believe in me but whose actions say otherwise. They tell me things “for my own good,” attempting to save me from heartache and failure. All along they don’t see what You are showing me nor do they believe that Your hand is on it. Today, I pray that You would first and foremost remove any doubts that I have. Where others are seeking me to prove myself, remind me that I have nothing to prove because all I own is the effort. You own the results! I am following after You, doing what You are leading me to do. Putting myself behind You and others in an effort to expand Your Kingdom. Keep that reality at the front of my mind. Equally, I ask for Your grace and patience with them. Help me not to be discouraged or to write them off. Instead, give me a double portion of grace that I might continue to pour into their lives, knowing that You are faithful to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond what I think or ask. Use me to touch them that they might see You in me. I am not looking for their approval. I am looking to make a difference in their lives. Lord, where You lead I will follow. Thank You for Your guidance. Amen.