March 20, 2024

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

Numbers 23:19

LORD, even as Israel was being rebellious, willingly walking in disobedience, You were still blessing them! Though You were disciplining them, striking down those whose hearts were not turned towards You, You were still making the way clear for them! Oh, how many times have You done this for me! How many times have I endured Your discipline while at the same time You were making a way? This morning my soul rejoices knowing that You have not changed Your mind concerning me. You have declared that I am blessed and have set me apart. Because my life is now hidden in Christ Jesus, You have set Your seal upon me, securing me for eternity in Your presence, Your Holy Spirit keeping me and guiding me. Though a host should rise up against me I have no fear for You are with me. For this I say thank You! Help me today to walk in that knowledge, knowing that You have not changed Your mind because of what I have or have not done, but have secured me for eternity in Jesus. Enable me to shake off my sinful past and focus my eyes on Him, that He might lead me in the paths of Your righteousness, following in His glorious footsteps, reflecting His love to all whom I come into contact with. Thank You, LORD, for all You have and are doing for me! Amen!