As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
John 9:1-2
Lord Jesus, my soul rejoices this day knowing that You see me. Though You may not mention it, though You may not make a big fanfare or shine a spotlight on me, You see me. To my wonderment You even cause questions to rise up in the hearts of others who see me, questions that may not be relevant, but questions none the less that focus the attention on me and my needs. And in the midst of it, You extend Your loving hand and touch my life. You make whole. You make me one with You. And this is all because You see me. I am grateful today that I am always within Your sight. You see the struggles I carry. You see the burdens that are weighing me down. You see my wants and longings. You see my aspirations and desires. You see every aspect of me. Whether broken or whole, You see. Whether happy or sad, You see. Whether in lack or abundance, You see. Continue to remind me of this wonderful fact. In Your love for me, help me to rest in this knowledge, knowing that I am always not only within eyeshot of You, but also within reach of Your nail-scarred hands, which are able to lift me up. Thank You for seeing me when I needed You most and welcoming me into Your fold. I worship You, my King. Amen.