Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16
Lord, the theme this morning for me is “time”. Even as I searched for this scripture I am reminded that the clock is ticking. As I look at my watch, my mind becomes pressed regarding other matters, and I am consumed by what I have to get done. Yet, the question I ask myself today is, “Is this the best use of my time?” Am I being yielded completely and totally to You and Your kingdom, or am I consumed by things that have little to no spiritual significance to them? Even when I focus on those things which appear “spiritual” I must confess that many of them are not spiritual at all, but instead are rituals to make me “feel” better about my walk. My soul asks, “Where is the love in them? Where are You in them?” Today, I pause to sit at Your feet, away from the hustle and bustle of “doing” and ask the simple question, “What would You have me to do, Lord?” I am this day and everyday Your servant. It is my desire to please You, my heart’s chief aim to be in Your presence. This morning I place all of the rigid disciplines and lists of righteousness to the side and sit in this spot, waiting and longing to hear from You. Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening. You are indeed the source of my joy. I love You and lift up Your Name. Be exalted my Lord Jesus! Amen!