May 29, 2024

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.

Psalm 32:8-9

Father God, thank You for Your loving instruction and tender guidance to me! My soul is blessed that I can look to Your Word and hear from You as You open my eyes to its countless truths and its divine wisdom. As I sit at Your feet and learn of You, my mind is blown by how I can read a text that I have read multiple times but see something different every time my eyes cross the words. It is because You are speaking to my soul through them, teaching Your child of Your ways and instructing me in Your will. I confess that I can, at times, be like a horse or stubborn mule, requiring a bridle in my mouth to turn in the way that You would have me to go. Today, I declare to You that to be led that way is not how I want to be directed. Instead, my heart’s desire is to shun evil, crucify my flesh, bear my cross, and follow You. Continue to show me the sins that I wrestle with, both openly and hidden. Tenderize my heart that I might not cling to them, but instead cast them underfoot. As I leave yesterday behind, help me to leave my past life of sin behind, pressing onwards and forwards towards the high mark that is mine in Christ Jesus. My soul cries out this morning, “Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face!” I long to dwell in Your Triune presence! In it I cannot carry the weight of my sin. Wash me, Lord, that I might come forth whiter than snow! Only with a daily bloodbath can I stand hope to see You for myself. Immerse me Lord, to Your glory in Jesus’ Name! Amen.