May 31, 2024

But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Psalm 13:5-6

Lord, this morning my soul is at peace because I know that You love me. No matter how bad things may have been or may be in my life, I find great joy in knowing that You are with me. Despite my lack or my need, I can say that You have blessed me abundantly, pouring out tangible signs of Your love, whether through relationships, materials, or emotional stability. This day I choose to pause in the midst of my worry and the attention that I place on my pains, and purpose to look to You, count my many benefits, and lift up my heart in gratitude. As You reminded me this morning, when You declare all things work together for my good, it does not mean that I will have, “minimal pain, maximum delight and magnificent outcomes.” Instead, it means I will become more like my Savior, which is indeed GOOD! So today, I trust in Your transforming power to shape not only my circumstances, but more importantly my soul. I look to You to continue the good work which You began in me, bringing me into full obedience in the faith. I choose this day to rejoice in the splendor of Your salvation and sing of Your glorious works in my life. Have Your way, Lord. Have Your way that I might look like Jesus, being His glorious fingerprints in this world today. Amen.