May 7, 2024

And Peter was following him at a distance, as far as the courtyard of the high priest, and going inside he sat with the guards to see the end.

Matthew 26:58

Lord Jesus, how many times have I followed You at a distance, close enough to see You but far enough so that I blended in with the crowd? How many times have I tailored my words to not sound too “holy” or too “saved,” taking either the Christian bend off them or speaking about You in a manner to make it sound like I was a universalist who believed that all “gods” were acceptable? How many times have I shied away from discussions about what You have called unacceptable and not called sin “sin” in order to have an audience with someone who was touting falsehoods and beliefs that are contrary to Your Scriptures? How many times, truly, have I followed You at a distance? Today, I ask Your forgiveness. Give me courage to stand with You despite the persecution that might come my way, whether it is on my job, at school or just walking through my local grocer. Remind me daily of the sacrifice You were willing to pay to purchase my salvation and fill me with a Holy Spirit inspired boldness to take a stand for what I believe in my heart. In love enable me to speak truth to power and to not back down when I am given the slightest opportunity to declare in Whom I have believed. Give me the words to say to speak life into their situations, hope into their circumstances, and peace into their hearts, all the while pointing them to You, Who is the Source of all these gifts. Let nothing I say, or don’t say, bring dishonor to Your Name nor bring to question Whose I am. My soul is eternally grateful for what You have done for me. In You I have access to the Father, and by Your love for me I now can let others know how good You truly are. Lord, give me opportunities today to do just that for all who come in my path, sharing with them what You have done for me, and letting them know that You can indeed do it for them. Thank You for new life in You. Amen.