November 10, 2023

Masters, treat your bondservants justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.

Colossians 4:1

LORD, You are over those who are over me. You see all and know all, including the conditions surrounding my service. As I pour my life into the lives of others, You not only see the intentions of my heart, but also theirs, knowing how my service is received and responded to. You know that is my desire to please You by giving myself to others, representing You by demonstrating Your love in a tangible way. Though I may feel unappreciated and disrespected, what I do I do for You, that You might be glorified. I pray today that You would keep before me that central calling, glorifying You, reminding me to put how I feel about how I am being received and treated to the side, in order that I might love even as You have loved. Keep ever before me the reality that when I feel as if I am being treated unjustly and unfairly that ultimately You are in control and that it is required of me by You to present my body as a living sacrifice. I cannot take matters into my own hands. I must leave it to You. This for me is the ultimate demonstration of faith and trust in You – believing not only that You have my back, but that in the end I will look upon all of the hardships and declare it was worth it. By me and through me You shall be glorified. It is my life’s purpose to do so now. Have Your way in Jesus’ Name.