November 16, 2023

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

Colossians 4:6

Father God, I praise and worship You this morning, eternally grateful for the opportunity You have given me to not only serve You, but to also be used by You to share with others how good You have been to me. My soul rejoices when I think about the grace that You have bestowed upon me through the sacrifice of Jesus, how my soul has been justified by His shed blood, and how, through the work of the Holy Spirit, I am be sanctified day-by-day into the person You have created me to be. This day, give me discernment to know what words I need to say to be the most effective, enabling me to provide words fitly spoken to my hearers bringing glory to Your Name. Open my eyes to where others are so that I can choose my words carefully, tailored not only to the person but also the circumstances, that my words might be well received. Help me to remove myself with all of my emotions and insecurities, which can be an obstacle, focusing instead on the individual and what they need to hear. Lead me in my engagements that I might be a good ambassador of Christ, whose life and words not only please You, but also effectively connect with those who desperately need a word from You. I pray this in Jesus’ Name.