And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15
Lord Jesus, send Your peace my way this day. Help me to ferret past the trials and turmoil that trouble my heart to find that secret place where I meet You, that garden of peace where the cares of this world and the insecurities that plague me are pushed aside. Help me this day to bond closely with Your Holy Spirit, by His power allowing my heart to connect with Yours, uniting me in mind, body and spirit with You, a divine oneness that makes me also one with all those who call upon Your Name. Clear my mind of all that burdens it. Fill me this day with the joy that comes from being loved unconditionally by You. Master, I am eternally grateful this morning to be called a child of God. You rescued me, instilling within me a hope that rings eternal within my heart. As I walk in it this day, cause a song to resonate in my spirit that You might be glorified by every step that I take. I pray this in Your wonderful Name. Amen.