November 20, 2024

I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

Jeremiah 29:14

LORD, my soul longs to be in Your presence. Though You bless me with the things of this world, showing me favor in the eyes of mankind, and though You establish me, giving me a firm footing in the land, yet all these things mean nothing without resting in Your presence. My soul longs and finds its peace and hope with You.

Today, as I navigate through the challenges and obstacles that are certainly coming my way, I pray that You would continually remind me that you are the true Source of my peace, hope and joy. Remind me that what I have, what I consume, where I am, or even what I ever want to be will never take the place of Who I am in. You raise up people around me to remind me that my true source of fulfillment comes from You and not this world. I am living today in order that I might dwell forever with You. Where You are is heaven! 

I therefore press to see You and worship You in Your presence. Continue to grant me glorious glimmers on this side of eternity as to what that day will be like so that I might rest in Your presence and experience the peace that I have hoped for daily, moment by moment, in You. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.