Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.
Proverbs 11:28
Lord Jesus, on this day, set aside to find the best “deal” regarding holiday shopping, it is so easy to get caught up in the pursuit of stuff. Lost in the hustle and bustle of the day is getting the best “deal” on goods and services, maximizing the value of my dollar. The reason why is because I want to give the best gifts I can to those I care about while spending as little as possible. I am driven by the notion of getting the biggest bang for the buck. I quickly forget that it is not about presents under a tree or even gifts exchanged as a show of love. It is about You, and the buildup to that day when we celebrate Your coming! This morning I pause to remind myself that no greater love was demonstrated towards me than Your sacrifice on the cross. You pouring Your life out for me and the pardon that I experienced as a part of Your act of love eclipses all that I can ever give or receive. What’s more, the cost to me was nothing, yet to You it was everything. Your love towards me is unmatched by any gift I can give or can be given to me. What You went through to secure it for me is beyond my comprehension. This morning I fall at Your feet and worship You. I lift Your Name up, declaring this day in the midst of all the sales and ‘buy on get one free” deals, that the greatest gift that one can receive is the gift of salvation by trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Let my words resonate in the heart of someone this day that they might see You as I do. I pray this in Your Name and to Your glory!